mercredi 4 novembre 2015

この ULRIK MUNTHER の ROOFTOP は、Hyper Mega Hit だ!9 stars! 9 étoiles! 9 星だ!☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ At first he is Swedish, not French. When I listened to his CDALBUM, Oh it was great! So I like the Swedish Pop also and decided to write the review! D'abord il est Suédois, pas Français. Quand j'ai écouté son CDALBUM, Oh c'était superbe! Alors j'aime la Pop Suédoise aussi, j'ai décidé d'écrire la revue! まず、彼はスエーデン人だ。フランス人ではない。ちょっと彼のCDアルバム聞いたら、すごく良くって、ずるずる聞いてしまった。だから、今回、レビューは、ウルリック君!もともとスエーデンのポップミュージックっていいよね。ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ The music is the joyful Rock Pop! Great! La musique est la Rock Pop gaie! Magnifique! ミュージックは、軽快なロックポップだ!素晴らしいの一言!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Ulrik's voice is very attractive and very beautiful! He is young, but he sings very well! La voix d'Ulrik est très attractive et très belle! Il est jeune, mais il chante très bien! ウルリックの声は、とても魅力的で、美しい!若いけど、歌い方は、すごくうまい!ひきずられてしまう!(=´∀`)人(´∀`=) Ulrik writes the poems and composes the melodies a little! Oh he is a genius! Ulrik écrit les poèmes et compose les mélodies un peu! Il est un génie ! ウルリックは、詩書くし、曲作りも、積極的に参加している。ウルリック君、天才タイプ!(^O^☆♪ The melodies are fresh! Oh we can fly in the sky with Ulrik! Les mélodies sont fraîches! Oh on peut voler dans le ciel avec Ulrik! ミュージックは、さわやかな感じだ!なんだか、空に舞い上がっていくような感じ!もちろん、ウルリック君と!\(//∇//)\ His poems are honest and natural! Very comfortable! Ses poèmes sont honnêtes et naturelles! Très agréable! 彼の詩は、感じいいし、自然体だ。とても心地よい!(=^ェ^=) Anyway he is young and very handsome! Happy! Happy! En tous cas il est jeune et très beau! Nous sommes contents! さて、ウルリック君、中の写真見ると、若くて、ハンサム!金髪がかわいい〜!♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪  Poems, Vocal は、Ulrik くんだ!Melodies は、Ulrik くん、そのほかの人たちだ。☆〜(ゝ。∂)In this CDALBUM there are no poem, but many beautiful photos! Dans ce CDALBUM il y a beaucoup de belles photos, mais pas de poème! このCDアルバムには、これでもかというほどのウルリック君の素敵な写真があるが、歌詞がない!(#^.^#) There are 11 songs. All songs are very very good! Il y a 11 chansons. Toutes les chansons sont très très bien! 曲は、全部で、11 曲だ!すべての歌、素晴らしい!v(^_^v)♪ The price is 22 euros! A little expensive! Lower the price! Le prix est 22 euros! Un peu chers! Baisse le prix! さて、お値段、22 ユーロだ!少し高い!お値段下げて、Ulrik くん!(#^.^#)


I've been afraid through all my life, but I'm not afraid tonight 
I pack my bags, I throw the dice 
Tonight I leave it all behind 
All the world is waiting just for me,
and things will never be the same again 

Tell the world I'm here, to change it 
Tell the world I'm here, to show you, show you that I am sincere 
Tell the world I'm here 

There is a place for everyone, and here is where I belong 
I have searched and I have found, and this is what I have become 
All the world is waiting just for me,
and things will never be the same again 

Tell the world I'm here, to change it 
Tell the world I'm here, to show you, show you that I am sincere 
Tell the world I'm here 

I'm on my way, yes I'm on my way 
I'm not far away, just tell the world I'm here 

Tell the world I'm here, to change it 
Tell the world I'm here, to show you, show you that I am sincere 
Tell the world I'm here 
Show you that I am, sincere 
Tell the world I'm here 


You always say that I'm in your way 
I'm guilty of no crime 
I'm not your hard times 
Your bad hair day ain't mine to care 
(But) I won't take the blame 
Your accusations are lame 

And I can tell you want a fight 

But I won't be your punishing bag 
I'm not your freaking [?]
You are always take it out of me 
I'm not gonna be 
I'm not a crush test dummy 
Cause you got nothing on me 
I'm not gonna be your crash test dummy 

Seems like lately you love to hate me 
I don't know why but its a 
waste of our time 
Cause everybody singing to the 
same old song 
Nothing ever changes til 
It's too far gone 

And I don't want that to be up 

But I won't be your punishing bag 
I'm not your freaking [?]
You are always take it out of me 
I'm not gonna be 
I'm not a crush test dummy 
Cause you got nothing on me 
I'm not gonna be a crash test dummy 

I get its not attention of a girl 
It hurts 
In Every single Word 

We are just a fraction 
Of what we could be 
If you only let me in 

I'd wipe your tears and understand 
I'd listen to your favorite bands 
Cover our name into a tree 
It could be just you and me 

But I won't be your punishing bag 
I'm not your freaking [?]
You are always take it out of me 
I'm not gonna be 
I'm not a crush test dummy 
Cause you got nothing on me 
I'm not gonna be your crash test dummy 


Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。


Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。


Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。

No.6 YOU & YOU 

I just wanna love you baby 
I just wanna be with you 
Now you say your girlfriend like me 
Baby now I love her to 
Each morning, day and night 
I do my best but 
Baby I can't help that 
(I love her to)
I just wanna love you baby 
Jessica and Scarlett too 
And I think Rihanna wants me 
Telling from the way she moves 
She makes me feel like I'm 
the only guy in 
And I just can't fight it 
I love her too 

I'm loving you and you and you 
The way you dance 
The way you move 
I'm going crazy what to do?
I'm coming through 
I'm coming through 

I just wanna touch you baby 
Falling to a mad desire 
Think my teacher loves me 
Telling from her ways of fire 
(She made me touch myself)
Is that bad Karma?
I better call my mama 
I love you too 

Now and then I take the train the wrong direction 
I sing a song out loud 

Pray for your attention 
I leave the TV on as treat for my obsessions 
People longest stay here in your presence 

I'm loving you and you and you 
I'm going crazy loving you 


Life is an open sea 
Just waiting for you and me yeah 
We can do what we wanna do 
Be what we wanna be 

Mountains and city streets 
Just waiting for you and me yeah 
We can go where we wanna go 
We know what we gotta know 
We've got everything we need 

Oh, shout it from the rooftops 
Nothing's gonna stop us 
We have been waiting so long 
We're getting ready to run 
Run until our heart stop 
We will never give up 
We have been waiting so long 
Shout if you're ready to run 

Tomorrow won't be the same, no 
Tomorrow ain't far away yeah 
Under a different sky 
Watching it side by side 
Tonight we will celebrate 

This is not goodbye 
I'm not gonna cry 
I'll see you somewhere down the line 
I may take some time 
But it will be alright 

Oh, Tomorrow won't be the same 
Tomorrow ain't far away 
We can do what we wanna do 

Be what we wanna be 

I think we're ready to run 


Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。


Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。


You're gonna get me into trouble 
But I can't stay away 
Don't care about tomorrow 
You're gonna get me into trouble 
You're the only one I can think about anyway 

Nothing's so long when I'm all alone 
I can't wait to see you again 

I think I love you 
I think I love you 
Cause I've been up all night 
Showing all the signs 
I think I love you 

You're gonna get me into trouble 
That's just what I need 
That's how I feel baby 
I thin I'm ready for some trouble 
I'm not gonna look back 
Thinking what could have been 

Night's so long 
I can't wait for morning to come 
I know this is crazy 

Can't wait to get you alone 
Can't wait to hold you 
Why won't you pick up the phone 
So I can tell you 

Night's so long 
I can't wait for morning to come 
I know this is crazy 

No.11 8.45

Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。

Ulrik くん、cuuuute! Cooool! Mignoooon ! Je t'aiiiime! ♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^^*)♪

ROOFTOP-Ulrik Munther 

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