jeudi 15 octobre 2015

この ONE OK ROCK の 人生X僕= JINSEI KAKETE BOKU WA は、Million Seller だ。9 stars! 9 étoiles! 9 星だ!☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ The music is the enormous Rock Pop!Happy! La musique est la Rock Pop immense ! Heureux! ミュージックは、巨大なロックポップだ!ハッピー!ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ Taka(a man)'s voice is so powerful and so speedy that the songs take away our stress and the songs are very comfortable! La voix de Taka (un homme) est si puissante et si rapide que les chansons enlèvent notre stress et elles sont très agréable! タカ君の声が、非常にパワフルで、スピーディーなので、ストレス、思いきり解消、で、心地い〜〜!ほっとする!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Taka's English is very good! Very fluent! Very comfortable! L'anglais de Taka est très bien! Taka parle l'anglais très couramment! Très agréable! タカ君の英語は素晴らしい!ネイティヴのような英語で、ペラペラ!心地い〜〜!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) It's Taka who writes the poems and composes the melodies! Very wonderful! Taka is a genius! As soon as we listen to his music, we can't stop listening to him! He is very attractive! C'est Taka qui écrit les poèmes et compose les mélodies! Magnifique! Taka est un génie! Dès qu'on écoute sa musique, on ne peut pas s'arrêter de l'écouter! Il est très attractif! タカ君が、歌詞を書き、メロディをつくってる。すごい!すごい!タカ君、天才!タカ君の歌は、一度聞くと、止まらない。もう、ずるずると聞いてしまって、そんなところが、タカ君の魅力!v(^_^v)♪  Taka is very kind for women! He never throws away the women! He is very polite for women! Oh I like Taka very much! Taka est très gentil pour les femmes. Il ne les jette jamais! Il est très polie pour les femmes! Oh Taka, je t'aime beaucoup! タカ君は、女性にとても優しい。彼は、決して、女を捨てない!とても礼儀正しい!そんなタカ君、私は、大大好き!♪(v^_^)v Taka is very handsome! Oh happy! Happy! Taka est très beau! Nous sommes contents! タカ君は、とてもかっこいい!うれしいね。ハッピー!♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^^*)♪ Poèmes, Melodies は、ときたま、Toru くん、あとは、Taka くんだ!Vocal は、Taka くん。(^_^)☆ In this CDALBUM there are the poems, no their photos! Dans ce CDALBUM il y a les poèmes, pas de leurs photos! このCDアルバムには、歌詞付きだが、彼らの写真は無い。タカ君!(#^.^#) There are 13 songs and 53 minutes! All songs are very very good! Il y a 13 chansons et 53 minutes! Toutes les chansons sont très très bien! 曲は、全部で、13 曲だ!53 分!すべての曲、素晴らしい!♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ The price is 34 euros. Oh his voice is so nice! Le prix est 34 euros! Oh sa voix est si belle! さて、お値段、34 ユーロだ!うーん、写真無いからね、少し高いけど、タカ君の声が、たまらずいいからね。\(//∇//)\

No.1 Introduction ~Where idiot should go~

Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。

No.2 Ending Story??

Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。


Wow what is life? tell me it's like 
Peel it over and over again 
Life is like an onion 

はがしてきゃはがすほどかがやき とめどなく
ときに目にしみて どうしょうもなくなきたくなったって
So just let the small shit go

Layer by layer right down to the core 
Crying you don't even know what for 
とんでひにいるなつのぼくを おもいかえす

Yeah からみも にがみもそう えぐみもすいもあまいも
このさき ぜんとたなん? No No No あじわったがかち!

So just let the small shit go 

No.4 The Beginning 

Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。

No.5 Clock Strikes 

What waits for you?
What's breaking through?
Nothing for good 
You're sure it's true?

What will we have?...

Believe that time is always forever 
and I'll always be here 
Believe it till the end 
I won't go away and won't say never 
It doesn't have to be friend
You can keep it till the end 

How will we have?...

Believe that time is always forever 
and I'll be always be here 

No.6 Be the light 

Just the thought of another day 
How did we end up this way 
What did we do wrong?

Even though the days go on 
So far so far away from 
It seems so close 

Always weighing on my shoulder 
A time like no other 
It all changed on that day 
Sadness and so much pain 

You can touch the sorrow here 
I don't know what to blame 
I just watch and watch again 

Even though the days go on 
So far so far away from 
It seems so close 

What did it leave behind?
What did it take from us and wash away?
It may be long 
But with our hearts start a new 
And keep it up and not give up 
With our heads held high 

You have seen hell and make it back again 
How to forget? We can't forget 
The lives that were long along the way 
And then you realize that wherever you go 
There you are 
Time won't stop 
So we keep moving on 

Yesterday's night turns to light 
Tomorrow's night returns to light 
Be the light 

Anyone can close their eyes 
Pretend that nothing is wrong 
Open your eyes 
And look for light 

Some days just pass by and 
Some days are unforgettable 
We can't choose the reason why 
But we can choose what to do from the day after 
So with that hope, with that determination 
Let's make tomorrow a brighter and better day 

No.7 Nothing Helps 

Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。

No.8 Juvenile (少年少女)

Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。

No.9 All Mine 

All my problems they will run away from you and I see
All the angels sit and stare at you 
You are everything but not today 

I'm so down and out 
'cause something is wrong without you 
When you are not around 
Just shadows and rain fall 
Wait till tomorrow 
I'll wait 

Just wanna be with you 
Only you 
Always you 
You are so beautiful to me 
It's true 
Amazed by you 
I think I'm falling 

All my worries they just sleep in late, lying next to you 
But I fall to pieces and crumble away 
Today nothing works 

I'm so down and out 
'cause something is wrong without you 
When you are not around 
Just shadows and rain fall 
Wait till tomorrow 
Can't wait 

Just wanna be with you 
Only you 
Always you 
You are so beautiful to me 
It's true 
Amazed by you 
I think I'm falling 

Falling with you 
Only you 
Always you 
You are so beautiful to me 
It's true 
Amazed by you 
I know I'm falling 

No.10 Smiling down 

You flew away 
Before I could say 
Taken away before your time 
Up into the clouds 
ここからじゃ見えない 見えるはずもない
いくつのよるをこえても もう君にはあえない

Now you're gone 
You left your song 
What can I do with this pain 
I hope you're smiling down 
Now you're gone 
You're really gone 
Face the truth 
I will just sing for you 

いつだってそう なんのまえぶれもなく
Time just left you behind 
And I don't know why 
How can I accept 
Something I don't understand 

No.11 Deeper Deeper 

Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。

No.12 69 

Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。

No.13 the same as...

Very very good. Très très bien. すごくいい。

Taka is Cho kakkoii! I love youuuuuu! Je t'aiiiime! Aishiteruuuu! Taka Kuuuun!

69-One Ok Rock 

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